double twist wire mesh with Transverse Reinforcing Rod, because it used in road reinforcement products also called
road mesh.
Road Mesh is manufactured from
double twisted steel wire mesh with transverse reinforcing rods evenly spaced throughout at approximately 16 cm centre.
The double twist steel mesh was initially introduced to intercept the reflected cracks
generated by jointed concrete pavements. Wider use of the product and further research
have found the steel mesh being used more widely and for a greater number of
applications, as the steel mesh is able to absorb the stresses induced by a reflected crack
generated by a jointed crack; to intercept the shear plane to provide rut resistance and to
reduce the peak tensile stress and strain under load. Configuration of the current steel
wire mesh reinforcement consists of a
double-twist, hexagonal mesh transversally
reinforced at regular intervals with steel wires inserted in the double twist.
Several research groups have been investigating the effectiveness of the reinforcement
both by laboratory tests and numerical modelling, with a variety of finite element
models adopted to characterize the reinforced.

1. The hexagonal mesh size is 80 by 100 mm (nominal) as defined
in EN 10223-3, the wire is protected against corrosion by a zinc coating complying with
EN 10244-2 Class A. The mesh thickness varies between the 2.4 mm wire diameter up
to 9.2 mm where the transverse rod passes through the double twist. The varying height
of the product strands, and distance between them, ensures that the asphalt can
encapsulate the wire, without developing a weak shear zone at the product interface.
Table 1: Mechanical characteristics of Road Mesh
Wire diameter(mm):2.4;
ransverse rod (mm)4.4;
Tensile strength MD/XD(kN/m);39/50