Chain link fence is suitable for all types of sites : for fencing around parks,
gardens or private properties in residential sites, in rural areas (zoning off breeding areas, orchard, in
industrial areas fencing for warehouses, factories, commercial premises, or for fencing around
tennis courts. This netting is particularly suitable for all sloping
range enables an efficient
answer to all the markets.
The Chain link fence can be installed on all types of grounds, flat or with an
uneven slope thanks to its flexible meshes. The link between two rolls is
easy because the
Chain link wire can be re-meshed.
Various width of meshes, qualities (galvanized Commercial, Heavy,
plastic coated, Aluminium&zinc alloy), heights and diameters of
are possible to adapt perfectly the product to the needs.
The quality of the material used guarantee the longevity of the products.
Selection product / application :
Residential Chain Link : Parks, gardens, individual houses or housing groups in
residential districts, primary schools and kindergartens,…
Professional Chain Link : Agricultural environment (zoning for farms and breeding
areas, orchards, gardens, forests, / Industrial environment (
fencing for public or
private building, offices, warehouses, factories, car parks.